Minggu, 08 April 2018

Verbs as Complement & Affirmative and Negative Agreement

Verbs as Complement

Verb as Complement adalah kata kerja pelengkap , pelengkap kata kerja adalah kata atau frase yang melengkapi kata dari subyek,obyek, atau kat kerja. Seperti, misalnya saya akan berusaha (1) untuk bekerja keras (2), kawan saya memutuskan (1) untuk menikah (2) bulan depan, adikku berhenti (1)menangis (2) ketika ibu datang, saya tak tahan (1)untuk jatuh cinta (2) denganmu, dll.
Some verb take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. Sometimes the verb functioning as the complement must be in the infinitive ( to + verb ) and sometimes it must be in the gerund ( verb + ing ) form. The following verb are always followed by the infinitive if the complement is a verb.
(Beberapa kata kerja mengambil kata kerja lain sebagai pelengkap bukannya kata benda. Kadang-kadang kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap harus dalam infinitif (ke kata kerja) dan kadang-kadang harus dalam bentuk gerund (kata kerja + ing). Kata kerja berikut selalu diikuti oleh infinitif jika komplemennya adalah kata kerja.)
1. John expect  to begin studying law next semester
2. Mary learned to swim when she was very young
3. The soldiers are preparing to attack the village


Kata kerja lainnya harus selalu diikuti oleh gerund. Kata kerja ini termasuk :

Example :
1. John admitted stealing the jewels.
2. We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.
3. You shouldn’t risk entering that building in its present condition
4. Would you mind not smoking in this office ?

Notes : These sentences are made negative by adding the negative particle not before the infinitive or gerund.

(Kalimat-kalimat ini dibuat negatif dengan menambahkan partikel negatif tidak sebelum infinitif atau gerund)

1. John decided not to buy the car.
2. We regretted not going to the party last night.

The following verb can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund with no change in meaning.
(Kata kerja berikut dapat diikuti oleh infinitif atau gerund tanpa perubahan makna.)
Example :
- He started to study after dinner. or
- He started studying after dinner
- Joan hates to ride her bycicle to school. Or
- Joan hates riding her bicycle to school.


If  a :
verb            ↘️
adjective    ➝   + preposition
noun           ↗️

Or preposition alone is followed directly by verb, the verb will always be in the gerund form. The following list consist of verb + preposition.
(Atau preposisi sendiri diikuti langsung oleh kata kerja, kata kerja akan selalu dalam bentuk gerund.
Daftar berikut ini terdiri dari kata kerja + preposisi.)
The following expressions contain the preposition  to. The word to in these expressions must not be confused with the to in the infinitive.
(Ekspresi berikut berisi preposisi untuk. Kata dalam ungkapan-ungkapan ini tidak boleh disamakan dengan dalam infinitif.)

These verb + preposition expressions must also be followed by the gerund.
Example :
1. Bernard gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.
2. Fred confessed to stealing the jewels.
3. Steven is thinking of going to France in January.


The following adjectives + prepositions are also followed by the gerund.
Examples :
a. Bianca is fond of dancing.
b. Anthony is afraid of getting married now.
c. We are interested in seeing this film


The following nouns + prepositions are also followed by the gerund.
Example :
1. There is no reason for leaving this early.
2. Cillary has no excuse for dropping out of school.

Any time a preposition is followed directly by a verb, the verb will be in the gerund form.
(Setiap kali preposisi diikuti langsung oleh kata kerja, kata kerjanya akan berada dalam bentuk gerund.)

Example :
1. After leaving the party, Ali drove home.
2. He should have stayed in New York instead of moving to maine.


The following adjective are always followed by the infinitive form of the verb and never by the gerund.
(Kata sifat berikut selalu diikuti oleh bentuk infinitif dari kata kerja dan tidak pernah oleh gerund.)
*able means the same as capable in many instances, but the grammar is very different. While able is followed by the infinitive, capable is followed by Of + ( verb + ing )
*mampu berarti sama dengan mampu dalam banyak hal, tetapi tata bahasanya sangat berbeda. Sementara mampu diikuti oleh infinitif, mampu diikuti oleh Of + (kata kerja + ing)

a. These students are not yet able to handle such difficult problems.
b. These students are not yet capable of handling such difficult problems.

Examples of the adjectives followed by infinitives :
a. We are ready to leave now.
b. It is difficult to pass this test.

Some verb can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund, but the meaning changes.
(Beberapa kata kerja dapat diikuti oleh infinitif atau gerund, tetapi artinya berubah.)
Examples :
a. Justin stopped studying.
( Justin is not going to study anymore )
b. Justin stopped to study.
( Justin stopped doing something in order to study )


In cases where the infinitive is used as a complement, any noun or pronoun directly preceding it will be the complement form. Some common verb which are followed by the infinite and which often require an indirect are listed here.
(Dalam kasus di mana infinitif digunakan sebagai pelengkap, setiap kata benda atau kata ganti secara langsung sebelumnya akan menjadi bentuk pelengkap. Beberapa kata kerja umum yang diikuti oleh yang tak terbatas dan yang sering membutuhkan tidak langsung tercantum di sini.)

Subject + verb + complement form ( noun / pronoun ) + ( to + verb ) .....

Example :
a. Joy asked Marry to call him when she woke up.
b. I urge you to reconsider your decision.
c. You should prepare your son to take this examination.

however, before the gerund, a noun or pronoun must appear in the possessive form.
(Namun, sebelum gerund, kata benda atau kata ganti harus muncul dalam bentuk posesif.)
Example :
a. He regret her leaving.
b. We are looking forward to their coming next year.
c. We don’t approve of John’s buying this house.


Affirmative agreement merupakan (kesesuaian) yang digunakan ketika seseorang melakukan sesuatu dan menambahkan bahwa ada orang lain yang melakukan sesuatu yang sama

Ada dua jenis affirmative agreement
Positif : yaitu kata "and" dan  "so" atau “and” dan “too”
Negative : yaitu kata "either" dan "neither"

1. Do, Does, Did
2. Have, Has, Had
3. Am, Are, Is, Was, Were
4. Will, Can, Should, Would, Could, Shall, Most, etc.

 Ada 3 model pembahasan :

1.  When a form of the verb BE is used in the main clause, the same tense of the verb Be is used in the simple statement that follows. Look at the following formula:
affirmative statement (be) + and + (subject + verb (be) + too
so +verb (be) + subject.)
I am happy, and you are too.
I am happy, and so are you.

2. When a compound verb (auxiliary + verb) for example, will go, should do, has done, have written, must examine, etc, occurs in the main clause, the auxiliary of  the main verb is used in the simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree. (Apabila dalam kalimat utama terdapat will go, should do, has done, have written, must examine, maka auxiliary dari kalimat utama digunakan dalam bentuk simple statement begitu juga dengan subject dan kata kerjanya).

affirmative statement (compound verb) + and +  {subject + auxiliary only + too}
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.

affirmative statement (compount verb) + and + {so + auxiliary only + subject}.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.

3. When any verb except be appears without any auxiliaries in the main clause, the auxiliary do, does or did is used in the simple statement. The subject and verb must agree and the tense must be the same. (Apabila pada kalimat utama ada kata kerja apa saja (kecuali be) muncul tanpa auxiliary, maka auxiliary do, does or did harus digunakan –  pokok dan kata kerjanya harus diselaraskan sesuai dengan waktu yang digunakan).

affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + {subject + do, does or did + too
Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.

affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + {so + do, does or did + subject).
Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.

Additional examples:
·         John went to the mountains on his vacation, and we did too.
John went to the mountains on his vacation, and so did we
·         I will be in New Mexico in August, and they will too.
I will be in New Mexico in August, and so will they.
·         He has seen her plays, and the girls have too.
He has seen her plays, and so have the girls.
·         We are going to the movies tonight, and Suzy is too.
We are going to the movies tonight, and so is Suzy
·         She will wear a costume to the party, and we will too.
      She will wear a contume to the party, and so will we

Negative Agreement

Hampir sama dengan penjelasan affirmative agreement di atas, neither dan either memiliki arti yang sama yaitu: tidak keduanya, atau kedua-duanya tidak.

Untuk neither digunakan sebelum auxilliary verb, for example:
1. My roommate won't go, and neither will I
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and neither have I
3. My roommate doesn't go, and neither do I
4. My roommate isn't going, and neither am I

Dan untuk either digunakan setelah auxilliary verb dan kata "not", for example:
1. My roommate won't go, and I won't(will not) either
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and I haven't either
3. My roommate doesn't go, and I don't either
4. My roommate isn't going, and I am not either

Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan yaitu untuk pemakaian tobe dan auxilliaries setelah kata "..and.." harus sesuai dengan tobe dan auxilliaries yang digunakan di awal kalimat, seperti :

My wife is talking about it, and so am I
My wife has talked about it, and I have too
My roommate won't go, and neither will I
My roommate doesn't go, and I don't either

Contoh kalimat lainnya:
1.      The manager isn’t too happy with the project, and neither is his assistant.
2.      We can’t study in the library, and he can’t either.
3.      You didn’t pay the taxes, and they didn’t either.
4.      My brother won’t accept my father’s decision, and my sister won’t either.
5.      He doesn’t know the answer, and neither does she.

“Either” and “neither” function in simple statements much like “so” and “too” in affirmative sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same rules for auxiliaries, be and do, does, or did apply.

 Negative statement + and + [ S + negative auxiliary or be + either]
 Negative statement + and + [ neither + positive auxiliary or be + S ]

 I didn’t see Bella this morning. Edward didn’t see Bella this morning
 I didn’t see Bella this morning and Edward didn’t either.
 I didn’t see Bella this morning and neither did Edward.

 Additional examples:
 1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
 2. We don’t plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
 3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t either.
 4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and neither did Tim.

 5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neither could the Angels.